When opposites attract

As a self proclaimed Sexpert I have encountered many different situations but my most recent situation that needs your undivided attention is interracial
relationships. Please feel free to post all comments and concerns regarding this topic. Are you a black man that receives dirty looks from sisters when out in public with your caucasian girlfriend? Why such hostility? (Comment from one of my blog supporters)
Now i really dont care if black men date white women but i was watchin tv show where the black men just put all black women dwn so wit that being said to BLACK MEN what is so much better bout white women in comparison to black women?
How does your family treat this woman? Please answer honestly. Thank you.


2’s company 3’s a crowd

Do you believe in Karma? they say karma is a bitch! I’d like to share this story with you. There was this couple from Baltimore county that fell in love as teenagers, dated through high school and eventually married right after graduating from high school. They both genuinely loved one another but the guys wife was a straight up freak-a-zoid. He loved her to death but she had a desire to have sex all the damn time. She was a very sexual young lady. His problem was he didn’t have enough d**k to go around so he invested in an array of toys. He thought by purchasing her these toys she could full fill her sexual desires by herself without cheating on him, but what he did was create a monster. His wife started enjoying her toys so much that she took a trip to the local novelty shop on her own and purchased a 12 inch dildo that she used everyday several times a day. Needless to say the dildo was much bigger than her husband and it touched her inner most delicate hot spots that had never been touched during her marriage. Her husband grew furious one day while attempting to make love to her. He penetrated his wife one night and just fell in. He began breaking down crying “how the hell am I supposed to compete with this?” He refused to loose his wife to a 12 inch rubber dildo so he stepped up his game and entered his wife with the dildo attached to his penis. Then he used the dildo to his advantage fucking his wifes pussy with the dildo but sliding his real dick in her ass. Needless to say his wife was blown away from the feeling of having two dicks up inside her at one time. Moral to the story, if you can’t beat’em, join’em. Two heads can be better than one!

Story written by: Patrick “Pj” Vick, Jr.

Posted by the Sexpert Guru of love

Your past reflects on your future!

Young Couple in Relationship Conflict

Young Couple in Relationship Conflict (Photo credit: epSos.de)

Taking the time to clear out my head of useless bull shit so I can start fresh with my next relationship allows us a fair and stable humble beginning. Did you know that in my spare time I might swing past Who’s Got Dirt a celebrity dirt blog that brings you some of the best articles from around the planet http://whosgotdirt2.blogspot.com

Most people that have had a troubled past are more likely to have troubled futures unless they find a way to break the cycle. Yes my friends if your past is filled with plenty of disappointing relationships that ended with some one getting hurt mainly you your future relationships may follow that same dreaded path unless you find ways to break that cycle. Its not going to be easy either my friends. Anything that you want your going to have to work very had to make happen.
One of the reasons why relationships end is because one is doing everything to save it, and the other is finding every way to end it.

Most relationships fail because we spend too much time pointing out each others mistakes and not enough time enjoying each others company.

Relationships fail because of trust issues, commitment issues and communication issues.


Holding on to these issues is a no no that we dont want to get into the habit of doing people. I have gone through several failed relationships and sadly the failed relationships heavily out weigh and out number those successful ones. Take it from me your friendly neighborhood Sexpert Guru a man on a mission and the mission is to help you avoid failure by exploiting my mistakes so that you dont have to repeat them.


Would you cheat on me?

I’m tired of being cheated on and I want some one to love me. are you a person that knows how to be faithful? Can you love me for who I an? I want to experience what true love feels like and not feel afraid to give up my virginity to that special person. Are you that person?

Love me tenderly

suffering from low self esteem

suffering from low self esteem

unappreciated and over ahelmed

unappreciated and over ahelmed

Posted by the Sexpert Guru of love

The cold war ended a long time ago ladies so lets try to remember this!


This was taken from a concerned man that was married to a hard and cold woman. Although he took it as a strength in the begining its beginning to drive a wedge between him and his wife.

“I work the graveyard shift so I don’t have to be at home with my wife.” –Derek, police officer

That response was from a man who had been married less than one year and was already engaged in a cold war with his wife. Most of the time she was openly disrespectful to him as a human being, not just as a man. Other times she was cold and aloof, barely acknowledging that he was in the room. Believe it or not, men have feelings too. Hard and cold behavior is enough to drive anyone away. Again, we aren’t asking to be cradled like babies. But every man wants home to be a safe refuge from the cold-hearted world. However, when the world at home is colder than the work world, there is no solace.

Is there any advice for Derek or his life’s partner?

A senior police officer of the Hamburg police ...

A senior police officer of the Hamburg police on assignment at Hamburg city hall, Germany. Français : Capitaine de la police de Hambourg en faction devant l’hôtel de ville de Hambourg, en Allemagne. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)